資料來源: Google Book

Governmentality, biopower, and everyday life

  • 其他作者: Nadesan, Majia Holmer,
  • 出版: New York : Routledge 2008.
  • 稽核項: viii, 248 s. :ill.
  • 叢書名: Routledge studies in social and political thought ;57
  • 標題: State, The. , Power (Social sciences). , Biopolitics.
  • ISBN: 0415958547 , 9780415958547
  • 附註: 99年度教育部購置教學研究相關圖書儀器及設備計畫. Includes bibliographical references and index.
  • 系統號: 005035866
  • 資料類型: 圖書
  • 讀者標籤: 需登入
  • 引用網址: 複製連結
Governmentality, Biopower, and Everyday Life synthesizes and extends the disparate strands of scholarship on Foucault's notions of governmentality and biopower and grounds them in familiar social contexts including the private realm, the market, and the state/military. Topics include public health, genomics, behavioral genetics, neoliberal market logics and technologies, philanthropy, and the war on terror. This book is designed for readers interested in a rigorous, comprehensive introduction to the wide array of interdisciplinary work focusing on Foucault, biopower and governmentality. However, Nadesan does not merely reproduce existing literatures but also responds to implicit critiques made by Cultural Studies and Marxist scholarship concerning identity politics, political economy, and sovereign force and disciplinary control. Using concrete examples and detailed illustrations throughout, this book extends the extant literature on governmentality and biopower and helps shape our understanding of everyday life under neoliberalism.
來源: Google Book