附註:Polaroids -- Private universe -- Anywhere you go -- Diamond in the rough -- Kill the messenger -- Tennessee -- Nothing like you -- Catch the wind -- Sunny came home -- Whole new you.
Special features: Includes behind-the-scenes featurette; biography; interview; location footage; play just the music.
摘要:Take an intimate journey with Shawn Colvin as she discovers the culture, history and spirituality of Bora Bora and Tahiti. , 當代民謠樂風 天命傳人:不做媚俗流行客,只當美式民謠人! 「葛萊美最佳民謠專輯」金獎得主,夏恩柯文堅持自身音樂理念,作品縱身遊走現代、傳統樂風間,從容展露不溫不火之醉人魅力,款款情動天下民謠知音!南太平洋波拉波拉島,終年高溫,熱帶風光旖旎,宛若畫家筆下人間仙境,無絲毫塵囂喧擾,一如夏恩柯文音樂風格,寧靜美逸!