附註:Based on the book "Five roundabouts to Heaven" by John Bingham
摘要:In a late 1940's suburban world, middle-class wives, like Pat, build their lives around their husbands. Pat and Harry seem happy, but Harry confesses to his pal, Richard, that the spark is gone. He plans to leave Pat for vibrant young war widow Kay. Once Richard, a notorious ladies man, gets a look at the platinum blonde, he secretly sets out to win her affections and Harry continues to plots to take Pat out of the picture , 哈利和派蒂是一對上流社會的夫妻,如膠似漆的感情讓人稱羨。然而這段看似美滿的婚姻對哈利而言,卻仍有一項小缺憾:那就是妻子派蒂對他的愛,其實就只有「性」,使他的心靈備感空虛⋯。有天,哈利遇上了年輕貌美的凱伊,霎時感覺神魂顛倒。哈利想和凱伊天長地久,卻擔心他深愛的妻子無法承受被他拋棄的痛苦;異想天開的他,於是興起了殺妻的念頭⋯。哈利精心籌備的「殺妻計劃」會成功嗎?