附註:Special features: the "making of" featurette; documentary with Zez{C3A9} di Camargo and Luciano Camargo; excluded scenes; deleted scenes and photo gallery.
Originally released as a motion picture in 2005.
摘要:The story of Francisco, a very simple and poor man whose dream was to see his children become country music stars, and who made all the efforts to make it happen. Based on a true story. , 破舊的收音機傳來輕快的鄉村歌曲,樸實佃農法蘭西斯深深為此著迷。雖然生活貧困辛苦,但他心中有個瘋狂之夢希望兒子能成為傳唱鄉村歌曲的天王巨星!為了培育完美的鄉村二重唱,法蘭西斯錢財散盡也要讓兒子體驗音樂的美好,於是一把吉他、一台手風琴,加上兩個男孩熱情美妙的歌聲,證明平凡人也能靠一己之力實現不可能的夢想,站上生命頂峰的舞台發光發熱!