資料來源: Google Book

Real-time image and video processing :from research to reality

Real-Time Image and Video Processing presents an overview of the guidelines and strategies for transitioning an image or video processing algorithm from a research environment into a real-time constrained environment. Such guidelines and strategies are scattered in the literature of various disciplines including image processing, computer engineering, and software engineering, and thus have not previously appeared in one place. By bringing these strategies into one place, the book is intended to serve the greater community of researchers, practicing engineers, industrial professionals, who are interested in taking an image or video processing algorithm from a research environment to an actual real-time implementation on a resource constrained hardware platform. These strategies consist of algorithm simplifications, hardware architectures, and software methods.Throughout the book, carefully selected, representative examples from the literature are presented to illustrate the discussed concepts. After reading the book, readers will have a strong understanding of the wide variety of techniques and tools involved in designing a real-time image or video processing system.
來源: Google Book
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來源: Amazon