資料來源: Google Book

Minjung Kim :fire is science and sculpture

Minjung Kim's work is a projection of the imaginary and the imagination. It is a rogue wave made up of energy-charged refinement that swells up in an unspeakable progression; it is a dizzying poem that is at the same time solid – a poem that describes the universe and the soul. Kim is a lyrical and mysterious artist who works with the effects of sublimation and the tangible results of a work that contains experience, sentiment and life. There cohabits in the creations of the Korean artist the transversality of Western art and the boundless magic of Eastern transcendence, spirituality and laicism, a patience inbred with the biological structure inherent to her being an artist with intelligence at the service of a creation that is a total sign. Her reminiscences, unknowingly, come from an atavistic past, a personal trace made up of symbols that retrace, through their position, the temporal past by bringing it back on the clear track of her current individual form.' - Martina Cavallarin
來源: Google Book