資料來源: iRead

永恆是情景的回復 :潘娉玉個展 = Eternal nature : Pan Ping-yu's solo exhibition

從不同的面向,表達潘娉玉的創作思維:「永恆是情景的回復」探索的歷程。藝術家由自身的情感經驗,運用各種不同材質、花色與款式的的布料,結合鐵絲、串珠、亮片等素材,編織成一件件立體造形的作品。藉由作品呈現衍伸探討神話與當代生活的關係,召喚發掘在神話中所示現的,關於自然與人類情感之間緊密的聯繫。 The artist Pan believes that we would become parts of mythology on the way we figure out the relationships between mythology and what life is looking for. She uses fabrics of various materials and patterns, mixture with wires, color beads and spangles to weave all the elements together into dimensional works. She integrates her personal experiences with her creations to probe into the relationship between mythologies and modern life and discover the intensive association of the nature and humanity which are revealed from mythologies.
來源: iRead