資料來源: Google Book

Boltanski :Monte di pieta

Born in Paris in 1944, Christian Boltanski is undoubtedly one of the most interesting contemporary French artists, and has been a leading figure in the international art scene for over 20 years. He began his artistic career at a very young age with his large canvas paintings, but in 1968 he abandoned painting for a less traditional and more conceptual means of expression which included mixed media and found objects. He has made short films, true and fictional dossiers of his life; he has archived moments of his existence in cookie-tin boxes and has collected photographic portraits. Since the mid-80s, his work has been pervaded by an awareness of the tragic events of the Second World War. "Boltanski" presents themes dearest to the artist: the memories collected in everyday objects, relics of a collective past and redemption--through the artist's intervention--of nameless people without a history.
來源: Google Book