資料來源: Google Book

Killer camera rigs that you can build :how to build your own camera cranes, car mounts, stabilizers, dollies, and more!

"The singular beauty of this book is that Mr. Selakovich has successfully dedicated himself to producing clarity with every page." - Michael Ferris, Camera Operator/DP (Die Hard) "For filmmakers who like to shoot their films with a mobile camera withough spending a fortune on equipment rentals, this book is a great gift indeed. I highly recommend it for its clarity and common sense." - Kris Malkiewica, Cinematographer/Author Don't buy or rent your fillm equipment-build it! Construct professional-quality camera rigs on your own with this comprehensive, step-by-step guide and stop wasting your money on overpriced equipment rentals and purchases! Dan Selakovich guides you through the creation of jibs, dollies, cranes, car-mounts, sandbags, tripods, and more. Features include: * Build inexpensive but reliable and sturdy rigs-including cranes, dollies, stabilizers, car-mounts, and more; most for much less than $100! * Includes over 2,000 photographs with clear step-by-step instructions, safety guidelines, material lists, and tool lists for each rig. * American standard and meric measurements included. * Includes a companion web site: http://dvcamerarigs.com/ * Build cheap but reliable and sturdy rigs – including cranes, dollies, stabilizers, car mounts, and more for $50-$100 each! Even if you only use this book to make two sandbags – you'll make back your money. *All measurements are provided in both standard and metric units – now updated to include region-specific material information *Includes over 1300 photographs total- with clear step-by-step instructions, safety guidelines, material lists, and tool lists for each rig
來源: Google Book