Episodes 1, Mickey's choo choo--2, Mickey's trainstations--3, Mickey's big job--4, Handy Manny: a night with abuelito
摘要:Join Mickey, Toodles and the gang for this magical full-length adventure you'll enjoy year-round! Ride the amazing Clubhouse Traid to the top of the mountain, and help load the train cars full of incredible, never-melting, "Easy-Freezy" snow! Share in the excitement when you arrive back at the Clubhouse to ski and make snow angels...in summer! Hop back on board and race to each station to pick up guests in time for the coolest snow party ever! It's always the season of fun when you ride on Mickey's Choo-Express! [博士想要做一個實驗! 大家都知道雪就像夏天的冰淇淋一樣, 在溫暖的陽光下會融化, 要怎麼做才能讓雪在一年四季維持本來的觸感, 讓大家隨時都可以摸到冰冰軟軟的雪或隨時可以 打雪仗呢? 現在就跟著米奇與博士出發到山上做實驗吧! 哎呀! 可是博士遇到一個大難題, 如果實驗成功, 將會有很多很多的雪, 那要怎麼將雪運下山呢? 博士需要一台超大的運輸工具, 大家可以幫他想出好辦法嗎?]