摘要:Chart a course for fun on this breathtaking African adventure packed with fun and natural wonders! Explore the lvory Coast and help an adorable baby chimp reunite with his moom and dad. Soar over Egypt and solve the Great Sphinx's magical, musical puzzle. Help Rocket transform into a giraffe, a chimpanzee and an elephant in the Serengeti. But watch out for Big Jet! He's up to his old tricks, and only you and the Little Einsteins can stop him. So, dash across the desert and float down the Nile when you Go To Africa! (大夥兒跟著安妮來到非洲的象牙海岸尋找可愛的動物小寶寶, 大象寶寶跟斑馬寶寶都很幸福的跟著爸爸媽媽, 只有黑猩猩寶寶因為迷路了找不到牠的媽媽...太空船帶大家找到了人面獅身像--斯芬克斯。斯芬克斯拿出了魔法拼圖讓大家玩, 拼好了拼圖就會有神奇的魔法把戲喔! 趕快一起來挑戰吧! 現在就跟著四位主人翁一起唱歌、跳舞並幫忙解問題。並透過生動活潑的卡通動畫及好聽的音樂, 激發小朋友的學習興趣。裡面更充滿了團隊精神友情的珍貴, 讓您與您的孩子一次又一次的享受如此生動的動畫影片!)