附註:At head of title: DreamWorks Pictures.
Originally produced as a motion picture in 2000
Ed. statement from container.
Features include: brain teasers, mazes, coloring pages, Aztec arts and crafts ; read-along adventures ; interactive PC game demo ; filmmakers' commentary ; special Elton John music video ; behind-the-scenes featurette ; trailers ; production notes ; cast and crew biographies.
Title from disc.
中文題名 : 勇闖黃金城.
摘要:準備踏上一段驚險刺激的冒險之旅!加入密格與胡立歐,以及它們那名符其實的賤駒-阿提弗,尋找冒險傳說中的絢爛黃金城-厄爾朶拉杜!一踏上傳說中的絢爛黃金城-厄爾朶拉杜,密格與胡立歐就被誤認為是天上派來的神,接著白花花的金銀百才源源不絶而來,把兩人沖昏了頭。當友誼、中成語貪婪的衝突來臨時,他們陷入了兩難困境,是要帶著黃金遠走高飛?還是留下冒著生命危險拯救黃金城的人民? , Join Tulio and Miguel and their hilarious horse Altivo as they set sail, map in hand, in search of golden treasure. Upon landing on the shores of El Dorado, the legendary Lost City of Gold, Tulio and Miguel are mistaken for gods and are lavished with riches beyond their wildest dreams! As friendship, loyalty and greed collide, our unlikely heroes must make the decision of their lives: run off with the gold or face unforseen dangers to save the people of El Dorado.