資料來源: Google Book

壁花男孩 =The perks of being a wallflower

Chinese edition of The Perks of Being a Wallflower. One of the most popular young adult books about a 10th grade boy named Charlie and his coming-of-age stories. In Traditional Chinese. Distributed by Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
來源: Google Book
【作者簡介】Stephen Chbosky史蒂芬.切波斯基 成長於賓州匹茲堡,南加大畢業,專攻劇本寫作。他執導的電影處女作《The Four Corners of Nowhere》於1995年日舞影展(Sundance Film Festival)首映,之後贏得芝加哥地下電影節(Chicago Underground Film Festival)「最佳劇情長片」殊榮。切波斯基亦曾以《Everything Divided》獲頒亞伯拉罕.波隆斯基劇作獎(Abraham Polonsky Screenwriting Award)。近期則為了作品《Fingernails and Smooth Skin》加入「日舞協會電影工作者實驗室」(Sundance Institute''s Filmmakers'' Lab)。 切波斯基目前定居紐約市,【The Perks of being a Wallflower】是他的第一本小說。
來源: iRead