資料來源: Google Book

心態致勝 =Mindset

The Stanford psychology professor's premise is that the kind of mindset one assumes determines the kind of person one is. She says that mindset, unlike intelligence and ability, is not set. Your mindset can grow and decides your happiness and success.
來源: Google Book
心態導航家.德威克博士( Carol S. Dweck, PH. D.)  人格、社會心理學,以及發展心理學領域數一數二的研究專家。曾任哥倫比亞大學、史丹福大學心理學系教授,美國國家藝術與科學院院士。她的《自我理論》(Self-Theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development)曾獲選為「世界教育協會」(World Education Fellowship)「年度好書」。藉由廣泛的運用與實踐,德威克教授協助了成千上萬的父母、教師、教練,以及管理階層,並界定了心態在任何領域所扮演的關鍵角色。現與夫婿定居於加州。
來源: iRead