資料來源: Google Book

Girl talk

Seven funny and often poignant scenes provide a fast moving comedy about women's friendships. It begins with twelve-year-old girls separated by puberty and ends with octogenarian socialists plotting their escape froma convalescent home. Also included are bosom buddies in their mid thirties confronting the biological clok, a woman, in her late forties exploring the impact of her closets friendships over more than two decards, and a jilted wife's discovery that she misses her husband less than the best friend he abandoned her for. Two historical scenes involve a little known incident in the friendship of Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas and two turn of the century Philadelphia ladies who risk adventure in the wild west. This play is replete with the lively monologue and scene material, and it can be staged very simply.
來源: Google Book