查詢 au:派瑞斯 ,共 4 筆
- 作者
- Adams, Amy,(1)
- Bale, Christian,(1)
- Britell, Nicholas,(1)
- Carell, Steve,(1)
- Corwin, Hank,(1)
- Ferrell, Will,(1)
- Fraser, Greig,(1)
- Gardner, Dede,(1)
- Hamilton, Lisa Gay,(1)
- Kirk, Justin,(1)
- 主題
- Biography(1)
- Cheney, Richard B.(1)
- Guaspari-Tzavaras, Roberta.(1)
- Politics and government(1)
- United States(1)
- Vice-Presidents(1)
- Violin teachers(1)
- 傳記(1)
- 學習心理學(1)
- 教學法(1)
- 館別
- 總圖(4)
110 0 0 0 0
培養反思力 =Becoming reflective students and teachers
- 作者: 派瑞斯
- 出版: 臺北市 : 遠流 2000[民89]
- 資料類型: 圖書