- 出版年
- 2021(1)
- 2020(1)
- 2013(2)
- 2008(1)
- 2006(2)
- 2005(1)
- 2004(2)
- 2003(2)
- 2001(2)
- 1998(1)
- 1997(1)
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- 1993(1)
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- 1989(1)
- 1988(1)
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- 1983(1)
- 1982(1)
- 1981(1)
- 1978(1)
- 1937(2)
- 語言
- 中文(29)
- 英語(2)
- 日語(1)
- 作者
- 王爾德(17)
- 余光中(6)
- 史特勞斯(2)
- 喬志高(2)
- 布寧(2)
- 歐尼爾(2)
- 海德格爾(2)
- 王兆徽(2)
- 皮藍德婁(2)
- 陳惠華(2)
- 魏德(2)
- Alexander, Kent B.(1)
- Arianda, Nina,(1)
- Bates, Kathy,(1)
- Beardsley, Aubrey,(1)
- Brenner, Marie.(1)
- Bélanger, Yves,(1)
- Cox, Joel,(1)
- Delbourgo, James,(1)
- DiCaprio, Leonardo,(1)
- Duvall, Wayne,(1)
- Eastwood, Clint,(1)
- Gomez, Ian,(1)
- Hamm, Jon,(1)
- Hauser, Paul Walter,(1)
- Hill, Jonah,(1)
- Joyard, Olivier.(1)
- Killoran, Jennifer Davisson,(1)
- Meier, Jessica,(1)
- Misher, Kevin,(1)
- Moore, Tim(1)
- Ray, Billy,(1)
- Rehm, Jean-Pierre.(1)
- Rivière, Danièle.(1)
- Rockwell, Sam,(1)
- Sandoval, Arturo,(1)
- Strauss, Richard,(1)
- Wilde, Olivia,(1)
- Wilde, Oscar,(1)
- 亞歷山大(1)
- 伊斯威特(1)
- 伯勒,(1)
- 克萊德勒,(1)
- 克魯門(1)
- 古德溫(1)
- 古德爾,(1)
- 古柏(1)
- 史丹費(1)
- 史比爾斯,(1)
- 吳國欽,(1)
- More
- 資料類型
- 圖書(31)
- 視聽(影像)(2)
- 樂譜(含套譜)(1)
- 主題
- Study and teaching.(2)
- 歌劇(2)
- 電影片(2)
- Art(1)
- Art, Modern(1)
- Atlanta (Ga.)(1)
- Behavior(1)
- Bombing investigation(1)
- British Museum(1)
- Cabinets of curiosities(1)
- Cai, Mingliang,(1)
- Centennial Olympic Park Bombing, Atlanta, Ga., 1996(1)
- Chimpanzees(1)
- Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)(1)
- Criticism and interpretation.(1)
- Directors(1)
- English language(1)
- Graphic arts(1)
- History.(1)
- Idioms.(1)
- Influence(1)
- Instruction and study.(1)
- Jewell, Richard,(1)
- Magic(1)
- Mass media(1)
- Modernism (Art)(1)
- Music(1)
- Music in education.(1)
- Objectivity(1)
- Physicians(1)
- Popular works.(1)
- Postmodernism.(1)
- Potter, Harry (Fictitious character)(1)
- Psychological aspects.(1)
- Salome(1)
- Science(1)
- Sloane, Hans,(1)
- Spoken English(1)
- Technique.(1)
- Television broadcasting.(1)
- Terms and phrases.(1)
- Visual communication(1)
- 兒童文學(1)
- 動物行為(1)
- 博物館學家(1)
- 占星術.(1)
- 史隆(1)
- 大英博物館(1)
- 導演(1)
- 形上學(1)
- More
- 館別
- 總圖(32)
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