查詢 au:華特金斯, ,共 4 筆
- 作者
- Buckley, Jessie,(1)
- Forster, E. M.(1)
- Godley, Janey,(1)
- Harkness, James,(1)
- Harper, Tom,(1)
- Kerr, Nicole(1)
- Kerr, Ryan,(1)
- Littlefeld, Daisy,(1)
- Mitchell, Adam(1)
- Okonedo, Sophie,(1)
- 主題
- Country music(1)
- Film adaptations.(1)
- Films for the hearing impaired.(1)
- Forster, E. M.(1)
- Glasgow (Scotland)(1)
- History(1)
- Liberalism(1)
- Mothers and daughters(1)
- Political science(1)
- Singers(1)
- 館別
- 總圖(4)
101 0 0 0 0
西方政治傳統 :近代自由主義之發展 = The political tradition of the West : a study in the development of modern liberalism
- 作者: 華特金斯,
- 出版: 臺北市 : 聯經 1999[民88]
- 資料類型: 圖書