- 出版年
- 2019(2)
- 2003(1)
- 語言
- 英語(3)
- 作者
- Johnston, Phil,(2)
- Lynch, Jane,(2)
- McBrayer, Jack,(2)
- O'Neill, Ed,(2)
- Reardon, Jim,(2)
- Reilly, John C.,(2)
- Silverman, Sarah,(2)
- Spencer, Clark,(2)
- Tudyk, Alan,(2)
- Buena Vista Home Entertainment (Firm)(1)
- Gabriel, Mike,(1)
- Gadot, Gal,(1)
- Haysbert, Dennis,(1)
- Henson, Taraji P.,(1)
- Jackman, Henry(1)
- Kaling, Mindy,(1)
- Lasseter, John,(1)
- Lee, Jennifer(1)
- Lo Truglio, Joe,(1)
- Lynch, Jack(1)
- Mertens, Tim,(1)
- Molina, Alfred,(1)
- Moore, Rich(1)
- Moore, Rich,(1)
- Ribon, Pamela,(1)
- Trinidad, Josie,(1)
- Walt Disney Animation Studios (Firm)(1)
- Walt Disney Animation Studios,(1)
- Walt Disney Pictures,(1)
- Walt Disney Pictures.(1)
- 資料類型
- 視聽(影像)(2)
- 電子書(1)
- 主題
- Video game characters(2)
- Arcades(1)
- Engels.(1)
- England.(1)
- English literature(1)
- Geschiedschrijving.(1)
- Grande-Bretagne(1)
- Great Britain(1)
- Great Britain.(1)
- Heroes(1)
- Histoire(1)
- Histoire et critiqueThéorie, etc.(1)
- HistoireHistoriographie.(1)
- Historiographie(1)
- Historiographie.(1)
- Historiography(1)
- Historiography.(1)
- History(1)
- History and criticismTheory, etc.(1)
- HistoryHistoriography.(1)
- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)(1)
- Influence littéraire, artistique, etc.(1)
- Intellectual life(1)
- Intellectual life.(1)
- Internet(1)
- Letterkunde.(1)
- Literature and history(1)
- Literature and history.(1)
- Littérature anglaise(1)
- Littérature et histoire(1)
- Renaissance(1)
- Renaissance.(1)
- Video arcades(1)
- Video games(1)
- Vie intellectuelle(1)
- 卡通影片(1)
- 館別
- 總圖(2)
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