查詢 text:Gestion du personnel. ,共 23 筆
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- 英語(23)
- 資料類型
- 電子書(23)
- 主題
- Gestion du risque.(7)
- Risk Management(7)
- Risk management.(7)
- Workplace Culture.(7)
- risk management.(7)
- Organisation.(6)
- Organization and Administration(6)
- Organization.(6)
- More
7 0 0 0 0
Human resource champions :the next agenda for adding value and delivering results
- 作者: Ulrich, David,
- 出版: Boston : Harvard Business School Press ©1997.
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Roadmap to strategic HR :turning a great idea into a business reality
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- 出版: New York : American Management Association ©2006.
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Microsoft Outlook 2002 :10 minute guide
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- 出版: Indianapolis, Ind. : Que ©2002.
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Winning under fire :turn stress into success the U.S. Army way
- 作者: Collie, Dale.
- 出版: New York : McGraw-Hill ©2005.
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The heart of change :real-life stories of how people change their organizations
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- 出版:
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Beyond the team
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- 出版: Oxford : Butterworth-Heinemann 2000.
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Workplace wars and how to end them :turning personal conflicts into productive teamwork
- 作者: Kaye, Kenneth.
- 出版: New York : American Management Association ©1994.
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Becoming a manager :mastery of a new identity
- 作者: Hill, Linda A.
- 出版: Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press ©1992.
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Microsoft Outlook 2000 e-mail and fax guide
- 作者: Mosher, Sue,
- 出版: Boston : Digital Press ©2000.
- 資料類型: 電子書