查詢 text:Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan Exhibitions ,共 21 筆
- 資料類型
- 圖書(21)
- 主題
- Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan(19)
- 國立故宮博物院(17)
- Painting, Chinese(8)
- 展覽(8)
- Art, Chinese(7)
- 圖錄(7)
- Art(6)
- 作品集(6)
- Calligraphy, Chinese(4)
- Painting(4)
- More
- 館別
- 總圖(18)
97 0 0 0 0
Masterworks of Ming and Qing painting from the Forbidden City
- 作者: Rogers, Howard,
- 出版: Lansdale, PA : International Arts Council c1988.
- 資料類型: 圖書
71 0 0 0 0
品埒端歙 :松花石硯特展 = A Special exhibition of Sunghua inkstone : comparable to the best Tuan and She inkstones
- 作者: 國立故宮博物院
- 出版: 臺北市 : 國立故宮博物院 1993.
- 資料類型: 圖書
56 0 0 0 0
十指春風 :緙繡與繪畫的花鳥世界 = Flights of fragrance at a fingertip : the world of birds and flowers in painting, tapestry, and embroidery
- 作者: 國立故宮博物院,
- 出版:
- 資料類型: 圖書
35 0 0 0 0
無聲詩 :南宋的小品繪畫 = Silent poetry : delicate painting from the Southern Song dynasty
- 作者: 許文美,
- 出版:
- 資料類型: 圖書
84 0 0 0 0
Arts of the Sung and Yuan :papers prepared for an international symposium organized by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in conjunction with the exhibition Splendors of Imperial China: treasures from the National Palace Museum, Taipei
- 作者: Hearn, Maxwell K.
- 出版: New York : Dept. of Asian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art 1996.
- 資料類型: 圖書
33 0 0 0 0
萬世師表 :書畫中的孔子 = Teacher exemplar for a myriad generations : Confucius in painting, calligrapht, and print through the age
- 作者: 吳誦芬,
- 出版:
- 資料類型: 圖書