查詢 text:Ordinateurs et personnes handicapées ,共 2 筆
- 語言
- 英語(2)
- 作者
- Gaur, Albertine.(1)
- Lazzaro, Joseph J.(1)
- Sassoon, Rosemary.(1)
- 資料類型
- 電子書(2)
- 主題
- Computers and people with disabilities.(2)
- Aides fonctionnelles informatisées(1)
- Communication Studies.(1)
- Communication non verbale.(1)
- Communication visuelle(1)
- Computer Graphics(1)
- Computer graphics.(1)
- Computerized self-help devices for people with disabilities(1)
- Computerized self-help devices for people with disabilities.(1)
- Computers and people with disabilities(1)
4 0 0 0 0
Adaptive technologies for learning & work environments
- 作者: Lazzaro, Joseph J.
- 出版: Chicago : American Library Association 2001.
- 資料類型: 電子書
12 0 0 0 0
Signs, symbols and icons :pre-history to the computer age
- 作者: Sassoon, Rosemary.
- 出版: Exeter : Intellect 1997.
- 資料類型: 電子書