查詢 text:Shingle style ,共 2 筆
- 作者
- Scully, Vincent Joseph,(1)
- 史考利(1)
- 畢光健(1)
- 資料類型
- 圖書(2)
- 主題
- Architecture, Domestic(1)
- Architecture, Modern(1)
- Building, Wooden(1)
- Shingle style(1)
- Stick style(1)
- 館別
- 總圖(2)
52 0 0 0 0
The shingle style and the stick style :architectural theory and design from Richardson to the origins of Wright
- 作者: Scully, Vincent Joseph,
- 出版: New Haven : Yale University Press 1971.
- 資料類型: 圖書