資料來源: Google Book


As a rabbit in the otherworld prepares to be reincarnated as a human, he is befriended by other animal spirits whose recent earthly experiences give him guidance for the path that lies ahead. A New Age novel on how to live right. With illustrations.
來源: Google Book
戴洛.哈爾(Darrell T.Hare)是一位成功的廣告主管,畢生致力於詩的創作,並潛心開發個人的心靈力量,探索人類死後的種種可能。本書正是他在追尋的過程中所構思出來的故事,他將它稱之為「獻給靈魂的贈禮」。● 譯者簡介 ●鄭淳紋台大外文系、比利時魯汶大學歐洲所畢業。曾任雜誌編採多年,現為CNN新聞網編譯組長、Men\''s Uno主編。譯有《媽咪爹地我要告你》、果陀劇團「開錯門中門」劇本等。
來源: iRead