Princeton encyclopedia of poetry and poetics

  • 其他作者: Preminger, Alex. , Warnke, Frank J. , Hardison, O. B.,
  • 出版: Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press 1974.
  • 版本: Enl. ed.
  • 稽核項: xxiv, 992 pages ;25 cm.
  • 標題: Poetry Dictionaries. , History and criticism. , Poetics , Poetry , Poetry History and criticism. , Poetics Dictionaries.
  • ISBN: 0691013179 , 9780691013176
  • 附註: Published in 1965 under title: Encyclopedia of poetry and poetics. 美國加州大學柏克萊分校Dunbar H. Ogden教授(賴聲川老師博士論文指導教授)2006年捐贈. Includes bibliographical references. Abecedarius Abecedarian -- Abstract Poem -- Accent -- Accentual Verse -- Acephalous -- Acmeism -- Acrostic -- Adonic -- Adynaton -- Aeolic -- Aesthetic Distance -- Aestheticism -- Affective Fallacy -- African Poetry -- Afro-American Poetry -- Aí Fhreisligi -- Aicill -- Air -- Alba -- Albanian Poetry -- Alcaic -- Alcmanic Verse -- Alexandrianism -- Alexandrine -- Allæostropha -- Allegory -- Alliteration -- Alliterative Verse In Modern Languages -- Allusion -- Ambiguity -- American Indian Poetry -- American Poetry -- Amphibrach -- Amplification -- Anaclasis -- Anacoluthon -- Anacreontic -- Anacrusis -- Anadiplosis -- Anagram -- Analysis -- Anapest -- Anaphora -- Anceps -- Anthimeria -- Anthology -- Anthropology and Poetry -- Anticlimax -- Antimetabole -- Antispast -- Antistrophe -- Antithesis -- Antonomasia -- Aphaeresis -- Apocope -- Apollonian-Dionysian -- Aposiopesis -- Apostrophe -- Arabic Poetics -- Arabic Poetry -- Arabic Prosody -- Archaism -- Archetype -- Archilochian -- Areopagus -- Argument -- Armenian Poetry -- Arsis and Thesis -- Arte Mayor -- Arte Menor -- Arzamas -- Asclepiad -- Assonance -- Assyro-Babylonian Poetry -- Asynarteton -- Asyndeton -- Aureate Diction -- Australian Poetry -- Austrian Poetry -- Auto Sacramental -- Autonomy, Poetic -- Autotelic -- Auxesis -- Awdl -- Bacchius -- Balada -- Ballad -- Ballad Meter -- Ballade -- Bard -- Baroque -- Baroque Poetics -- Basque Poetry -- Bathos -- Beast Epic -- Beat Poets -- Belgian Poetry -- Belief and Poetry -- Bestiary -- Biedermeier -- Binary and Ternary -- Blank Verse -- Blason -- Blues -- Bob and Wheel -- Bouts-Rimés -- Brazilian Poetry -- Breton Poetry -- Bridge -- Broadside Ballad -- Broken Rhyme -- Bucolic -- Bulgarian Poetry -- Burden -- Burlesque -- Burmese Poetry -- Burns Stanza -- Byelorussian Poetry -- Bylina -- Byzantine Poetry -- Caccia -- Cacophony -- Cadence -- Caesura -- Calligramme -- Canadian Poetry -- Canción -- Canon -- Canso, Chanso, Chanson -- Cantar -- Cante Jondo -- Canticum and Diverbium -- Cantiga -- Canto -- Canzone -- Capitolo -- Carmen -- Carol -- Carpe Diem -- Catachresis -- Catalan Poetry -- Catalexis -- Catalog, Catalog Verse -- Catch -- Catharsis -- Cauda, Coda -- Caudate Sonnet -- Cavalier Poets -- Celtic Prosody -- Cento -- Chain Rhyme -- Chanso, Chanson -- Chanson De Toile -- Chansons De Geste -- Chant -- Chant Royal -- Chante-Fable -- Charm -- Chastushka -- Chiasmus -- Chicago School -- Chicano (Mexican American) Poetry -- Chinese Poetics -- Chinese Poetry -- Choliambus -- Choriamb -- Chorus -- Christabel Meter -- Classical Meters In Modern Languages -- Classical Poetics -- Classical Prosody -- Classicism -- Clerihew -- Climax -- Close Rhyme -- Closet Drama -- Closure -- Cobla -- Cockney School -- Collections, Poetic -- Colon -- Comedia De Capa Yespada -- Comedy -- Comedy of Humors -- Companion Poems -- Complaint -- Computer Poetry -- Concatenation -- Conceit -- Concrete and Abstract -- Concrete Poetry -- Concrete Universal -- Connotation and Denotation -- Consonance -- Constructivism -- Conte Dévot -- Contextualism -- Convention -- Conversation Poem -- Copla -- Coq-à-l'âne ("Cock and Bull") -- Cornish Poetry -- Corona -- Coronach -- Correlative Verse -- Counterpoint -- Counterpoint Rhythm -- Coupe -- Couplet -- Courtly Love -- Courtly Makers -- Creationism -- Cretic or Amphimacer -- Criticism -- Cross Rhyme -- Crown of Sonnets -- Cuaderna Vía -- Cubism -- Cueca Chilena -- Culteranismo -- Cultural Criticism -- Curtal Sonnet -- Cynghanedd -- Cywydd -- Czech Poetry -- Dactyl -- Dactylo-Epitrite -- Dada -- Danish Poetry -- Dansa -- Dead Metaphor -- Decadence -- Décasyllabe -- Decasyllable -- Décima -- Decir -- Deconstruction -- Decorum -- Dedication -- Descort -- Descriptive Poetry -- Diaeresis -- Dialect Poetry -- Dialogue -- Didactic Poetry -- Dimeter -- Diminishing Metaphor -- Dinggedicht -- Dipodism, Dipodic Verse -- Dirge -- Disinterestedness -- Dissociation of Sensibility -- Dissonance -- Distich -- Distinctive Feature Analysis -- Dit -- Dithyramb -- Ditty -- Dizain -- Dochmiac -- Doggerel -- Dolce Stil Nuovo -- Dol'nik -- Double Dactyl -- Dozens -- Dramatic Poetry -- Drápa -- Dream Vision -- Dróttkvætt -- Duration -- Dutch Poetry -- Dyfalu -- Echo Verse -- Eclogue -- Egyptian Poetry -- Eisteddfod (Bardic Session or Assembly) -- Ekphrasis, Ecphrasis -- Elegiac Distich, Elegiac Couplet -- Elegiac Stanza -- Elegy -- Elision -- Ellipsis -- Emblem -- Emotion -- Empathy and Sympathy -- Enargeia -- Encomium -- Endecha -- End-Stopped -- English Poetry -- English Prosody -- Englyn -- Enhoplius -- Enjambment -- Ensalada -- Ensenhamen -- Envelope -- Envoi, Envoy -- Epanalepsis -- Epic -- Epicedium -- Epideictic Poetry -- Epigram -- Epinikion, also Epinicion, Epinician -- Epiploke -- Epitaph -- Epithalamium -- Epithet -- Epitrite -- Epode -- Epyllion -- Equivalence -- Esperanto Poetry -- Espinela -- Estampida -- Estonian Poetry -- Estribillo -- Ethics and Criticism -- Ethiopian Poetry -- Ethnopoetics -- Ethos -- Euphony -- Evaluation -- Exemplum -- Exoticism -- Explication -- Expression -- Expressionism -- Eye Rhyme -- Fable -- Fabliau -- Fancy -- Farce -- Fatras -- Félibrige -- Feminist Poetics -- Fescennine Verses -- Fiction, Poetry As -- Figuration -- Figure, Scheme, Trope -- Fili -- Finida -- Finnish Poetry -- Fleshly School of Poetry -- Flyting -- Folía -- Foot -- Form -- Formula -- Fornyrdislag -- Found Poem -- Four Ages of Poetry -- Fourteener -- Free Verse -- Freie Rhythmen -- Freie Verse -- French Poetry -- French Prosody -- Frisian Poetry -- Frottola and Barzelletta -- Fugitives -- Futurism -- Fyrtiotalisterna -- Gai Saber (Gaia Sciensa) -- Gaita Gallega -- Galician (or Gallegan) Poetry -- Galliamb(us) -- Gaucho Poetry -- Generative Metrics -- Generic Rhyme -- Geneva School -- Genius -- Genre -- Georgian Poetry -- Georgianism -- Georgic -- German Poetry -- German Prosody -- Gesellschaftslied -- Ghazal -- Glosa -- Glyconic -- Gnomic Poetry -- Goliardic Verse -- Grammatical Rhyme -- Graveyard Poetry -- Greek Poetry -- Guslar (also Guslac, Pevac, Pesnik) -- Gypsy Poetry -- Haiku (also called Hokku and Haikai) -- Haitian Poetry -- Harlem Renaissance -- Hausa Poetry -- Hebraism -- Hebrew Poetry -- Hebrew Prosody and Poetics -- Hemiepes -- Hemistich -- Hen Benillion -- Hendecasyllable -- Hendiadys -- Heptameter -- Heptasyllable -- Hermeneutics -- Hermeticism -- Heroic Couplet -- Heroic Play -- Heroic Verse, Heroic Meter -- Heterometric -- Hexameter -- Hiatus -- Hispano-Arabic Poetry -- Historicism -- History and Poetry -- History Play -- Hittite Poetry -- Homodyne and Heterodyne -- Homoeoteleuton -- Hovering Accent -- Hrynhent -- Hudibrastic Verse -- Huitain -- Hungarian Poetry -- Hymn -- Hypallage -- Hyperbaton -- Hyperbole -- Hypermetric -- Hypometric -- Hyporchema -- Hysteron Proteron -- Iambe -- Iambic -- Iambic Shortening -- Icelandic Poetry -- Iconicity -- Iconology -- Ictus -- Identical Rhyme -- Ideogram -- Idyll, Idyl -- Image -- Imagery -- Imagination -- Imagism -- Imitation -- Impressionism -- In Medias Res -- In Memoriam Stanza -- Incantation -- Incremental Repetition -- Indeterminacy -- Indian Poetics -- Indian Poetry -- Indian Prosody -- Indo-European Prosody -- Indonesian Poetry -- Influence -- Inscape and Instress -- Inspiration -- Intensity -- Intention -- Interlude -- Internal Rhyme -- Interpretation -- Interpretation, Fourfold Method of -- Intertextuality -- Intuition -- Inuit Poetry -- Invective -- Invention -- Ionic -- Irish Poetry -- Irish Prosody -- Irony -- Isochronism or Isochrony -- Isocolon -- Isometric -- Italian Poetry -- Italian Prosody -- Ithyphallic -- Japanese Poetics -- Japanese Poetry -- Javanese Poetry -- Je Ne Sais Quoi -- Jingle -- Jongleur -- Judeo-Spanish Poetry -- Jugendstil -- Kenning -- Knittelvers -- Korean Poetry.; Lai -- Laisse -- Lake School -- Lament -- Language Poetry -- Latin Poetry -- Latvian Poetry -- Lauda -- Leich -- Leonine Rhyme, Verse -- Letrilla -- Lettrisme -- Lexis -- Light Verse -- Limerick -- Line -- Linguistics and Poetics -- Lira -- Lithuanian Poetry -- Litotes -- Liturgical Drama -- Ljóðaháttr -- Logaoedic -- Love Poetry -- Lyric -- Lyric Sequence Macaronic Verse -- Madrigal -- Mal Mariée -- Malay Poetry -- Mannerism -- Marinism -- Marxist Criticism -- Masculine and Feminine -- Masnavi -- Masque -- Meaning, Poetic -- Measure -- Medieval Poetics -- Medieval Poetry -- Medieval Romance -- Meiosis -- Meistersinger -- Melic Poetry -- Melopoeia, Phanopoeia, and Logopoeia -- Metacriticism -- Metalepsis or Transumption -- Metaphor -- Metaphysical Poetry -- Meter -- Metonymy -- Metric Figures -- Metrical Treatment of Syllables -- Metrici and Rhythmici -- Metron -- Mime -- Minimalism -- Minnesang -- Minstrel -- Mock Epic, Mock Heroic -- Modern Long Poem -- Modernism and Postmodernism -- Modernismo -- Molossus -- Mongolian Poetry -- Monk's Tale Stanza -- Monody -- Monologue -- Monometer -- Monorhyme -- Monostich -- Morality Play -- Mosaic Rhyme -- Mote -- Muse -- Music and Poetry -- Myth -- Myth Criticism -- Naive-Sentimental -- Narrative Poetry -- Naturalism -- Nature -- Near Rhyme -- Negative Capability -- Neoclassical Poetics -- Neogongorism -- Neo-Humanism -- Neoterics -- New Criticism, The -- New Formalism -- New Norse -- New Zealand Poetry -- Nibelungenstrophe -- Nil Volentibus Arduum -- No -- Nonsense Verse -- Norske Selskab, Det -- Norwegian Poetry -- Novas (Rimadas) -- Number(s) -- Numerology -- Nursery Rhymes -- Objective Correlative -- Objectivism -- Obscurity -- Occasional Verse -- Occitan Poetry -- Octave -- Octonarius -- Octosyllable -- Ode -- Odl -- Old Norse Poetry -- Omar Khayy'ám Quatrain -- Onegin Stanza -- Onomatopoeia -- Oral-Formulaic Theory -- Oral Poetry -- Organicism -- Originality -- Ornament -- Ottava Rima -- Oulipo -- Oxymoron -- Paean -- Paeon -- Palindrome -- Palinode -- Panegyric -- Pantun -- Parabasis -- Paradox -- Paralipsis -- Parallelism -- Paraphrase, Heresy Of -- Parataxis and Hypotaxis -- Parnassians -- Parody -- Paroemiac -- Partimen -- Passion Play -- Pastoral -- Pastourelle -- Pathetic Fallacy -- Pathos -- Pattern Poetry -- Pause -- Payada -- Pentameter -- Penthemimer -- Performance -- Period -- Periphrasis -- Persian Prosody -- Persona -- Personification -- Petrarchism -- Phalaecean -- Philippine Poetry -- Philosophy and Poetry -- Phonestheme, Phonaestheme -- Pie Quebrado -- Pitch -- Planh -- Platonism and Poetry -- Pléiade -- Ploce, Ploche -- Plot -- Pluralism -- Poesis, Poiesis -- Poet -- Poet Laureate -- Poète Maudit -- Poetic Contests -- Poetic Function -- Poetic License -- Poetic Madness -- Poetics -- Poetry -- Poetry, Theories of (Western) -- Polish Poetry -- Political Verse -- Politics and Poetry -- Polynesian Poetry -- Polyphonic Prose -- Polyptoton -- Polysyndeton -- Portuguese Poetry -- Poulter's Measure -- Préciosité -- Pregunta -- Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood -- Preromanticism -- Priamel -- Priapea -- Primitivism -- Proceleusmatic -- Projective Verse -- Prose Poem -- Prose Rhythm -- Prosimetrum -- Prosody -- Prosopopoeia -- Proverb -- Pryddest -- Psalm -- Pseudo-Statement -- Psychological Criticism -- Puerto Rican Poetry -- Pun -- Punctuation -- Pure Poetry -- Pyrrhic -- Pythiambic -- Qasida -- Quantity -- Quatorzain -- Quatrain -- Querelledes Anciens Et Des Modernes -- Quintain -- Quintilla -- Reader-Response Criticism -- Realism -- Recusatio -- Rederijkers -- Redondilla -- Refrain -- Refrán -- Refrein -- Rejet -- Relative Stress Principle -- Religion and Poetry -- Remate -- Renaissance Poetics -- Renaissance Poetry -- Renga -- Repetition -- Representation and Mimesis -- Resolution -- Responsion -- Reverdie -- Reverse Rhyme -- Rhapsode -- Rhetoric and Poetry -- Rhétoriqueurs -- Rhopalic Verse -- Rhyme -- Rhyme Counterpoint -- Rhyme Royal -- Rhyme Scheme -- Rhyme-Prose -- Rhymers' Club -- Rhythm -- Rich Rhyme -- Riddle -- Rímur -- Ring Composition -- Rising and Falling Rhythm -- Rispetto -- Ritornello -- Rococo -- Romanian Poetry -- Romantic and Postromantic Poetics -- Romanticism -- Rondeau -- Rondel -- Rotrouenge -- Roundel -- Rules -- Rune -- Running Rhythm -- Russian Formalism -- Russian Poetry -- Sapphic -- Satanic School -- Satire -- Saturnian -- Scansion -- School of Spenser -- Schüttelreim -- Science and Poetry -- Scop -- Scottish Chaucerians or Makars -- Scottish Gaelic Poetry -- Scottish Poetry -- Sculpture and Poetry -- Seconde Rhétorique -- Seguidilla -- Semantics and Poetry -- Semiotics, Poetic -- Senarius -- Senhal -- Sensibility -- Sentimentality -- Septenarius -- Septet -- Serranilla -- Sestet -- Sestina -- Sexain -- Sextilla -- Sicilian Octave -- Sicilian School -- Signifying -- Silloi -- Silva -- Simile -- Simplicity and Complexity -- Sincerity -- Sirventes -- Skald -- Skeltonic -- Skolion -- Slavic Prosody -- Slovak Poetry -- Smithy Poets -- Society and Poetry -- Somali Poetry -- Song -- Sonnet -- Sonnet Sequence -- Sotadean -- Sound -- Sound Effects In Poetry -- Sound Poetry -- South African Poetry -- Spanish American Poetry -- Spanish Poetry -- Spanish Prosody -- Spasmodic School -- Speech Act Theory -- Spenserian Stanza -- Spirituals -- Split Lines -- Spondee -- Spontaneity -- Spruchdichtung -- Sprung Rhythm -- Sri Lankan Poetry -- Stances -- Stanza -- Stasimon -- Stave -- Stichomythia -- Stichos -- Stock -- Stornello -- Strambotto -- Strophe -- Structuralism -- Structure -- Sturm Und Drang -- Style -- Stylistics -- Subjectivity and Objectivity -- Sublime -- Substitution -- Sumerian Poetry -- Surrealism -- Swahili Poetry -- Swedish Poetry -- Swedo-Finnish Modernists -- Swiss Poetry -- Syllabic Verse -- Syllable -- Syllepsis -- Symbol -- Symbolic Action -- Symbolism -- Synaeresis -- Synaesthesia -- Synaloepha -- Synapheia -- Syncopation -- Syncope -- Synecdoche -- Syntax, Poetic -- System -- Syzygy -- Tachtigers -- Tagelied -- Tail Rhyme -- Tanka -- Taste -- Telesilleum -- Tenor and Vehicle -- Tension -- Tenso -- Tercet -- Terza Rima -- Terza Rima Sonnet -- Tetrameter -- Tétramètre -- Textual Criticism -- Textuality -- Texture -- Thai Poetry -- Thematics -- Theme -- Theory -- Tibetan Poetry -- Timbre -- Tmesis -- Toast -- Tone -- Topos -- Tornada -- Touchstones -- Tradition -- Tragedy -- Tragicomedy -- Translation -- Tribrach -- Trilogy -- Trimeter -- Trimètre -- Triolet -- Triple Rhyme -- Triplet -- Trobar Clus, Trobar Leu -- Trochaic -- Tropology -- Troubadour -- Trouvère -- Tumbling Verse -- Turkish Poetry -- Twentieth-Century Poetics -- Ukrainian Poetry -- Ultraism -- Unity -- Ut Pictura Poesis -- Variable Foot -- Variation -- Vates -- Venus and Adonis Stanza -- Verisimilitude -- Vers -- Vers Impair -- Vers Libéré -- Vers Libre -- Vers Libres Classiques -- Vers Mesurés à l'Antique. -- Verse and Prose -- Verse Epistle -- Verse Paragraph -- Verset -- Versi Sciolti -- Versification -- Verso Piano -- Verso Sdrucciolo -- Verso Tronco -- Vidas and Razos -- Vietnamese Poetry -- Villancico -- Villanelle -- Virelai -- Vision -- Visual Arts and Poetry -- Visual Poetry -- Voice -- Volta, Volte -- Vorticism -- Welsh Poetry -- West Indian Poetry -- Wit -- Yiddish Poetry -- Yugoslav Poetry -- Zéjel -- Zeugma.
  • 系統號: 005257528
  • 資料類型: 圖書
  • 讀者標籤: 需登入
  • 引用網址: 複製連結