- 出版年
- 2023(1)
- 2022(1)
- 2020(3)
- 2019(2)
- 2018(4)
- 2017(1)
- 2015(1)
- 2006(1)
- 2004(2)
- 2002(1)
- 2000(1)
- 1997(2)
- 1996(1)
- 1995(2)
- 1993(2)
- 1991(1)
- 語言
- 中文(25)
- 作者
- 凌網科技股份有限公司(2)
- Bosker, Bianca,(1)
- Deida, David.(1)
- Ebrey, Patricia Buckley,(1)
- Raffles, Hugh,(1)
- 五十嵐太郎(1)
- 伊沛霞(1)
- 伍德華,(1)
- 何清漣,(1)
- 佟恩(1)
- 刁筱華.(1)
- 博斯克(1)
- 吳郁芸(1)
- 周翠如.(1)
- 孫周興(1)
- 巴比(1)
- 席勒(1)
- 張與健(1)
- 戴伊達(1)
- 曼特爾,(1)
- 曾婉琳(1)
- 李美華.(1)
- 李連江.(1)
- 李金梅(1)
- 李開濟(1)
- 林佩欣,(1)
- 林文琪(1)
- 林曉凌(1)
- 柏曼(1)
- 柯林斯(1)
- 江昺崙,(1)
- 海德格爾(1)
- 石澤良昭,(1)
- 端傳媒.(1)
- 臺灣民間真相與和解促進會,(1)
- 莊瑞霖,(1)
- 萊佛士(1)
- 蘇采禾.(1)
- 謝宗哲,(1)
- 賴慈芸(1)
- 釋永芸,(1)
- 阿達利(1)
- 陳偉智(1)
- 陳榮彬,(1)
- 陳瑞文,(1)
- 雷文玫(1)
- 韋伯(1)
- 韓華,(1)
- 駱香潔,(1)
- 麥金儂(1)
- More
- 資料類型
- 圖書(23)
- 電子書(3)
- 主題
- History(4)
- Politics and government(3)
- Taiwan(3)
- 臺灣史(3)
- China(2)
- 歷史(2)
- 研究方法(2)
- 社會科學(2)
- Angkor (Extinct city)(1)
- Angkor Wat (Angkor)(1)
- Antiquities.(1)
- Architecture(1)
- Bosker, Bianca(1)
- Cambodia(1)
- Censorship(1)
- Civil disobedience(1)
- Civilization.(1)
- Deleuze, Gilles,(1)
- Democracy.(1)
- Democratization(1)
- Doe Jones industrial average.(1)
- Feminist theory.(1)
- Flavor and odor.(1)
- Friends and associates.(1)
- History.(1)
- Hong Kong (China)(1)
- Hong Kong Protests, Hong Kong, China, 2019-(1)
- Human rights(1)
- Human-animal relationships.(1)
- Insects.(1)
- Journalists(1)
- Language and languages(1)
- Law and legislation(1)
- Mass media(1)
- Meditation.(1)
- Mysticism.(1)
- Philosophy.(1)
- Police brutality(1)
- Political aspects(1)
- Press and ploitics(1)
- Press coverage(1)
- Press coverage.(1)
- Prices(1)
- Protest movements(1)
- Risk.(1)
- Sex discrimination against women(1)
- Sex discrimination in employment(1)
- Sexual harassment of women(1)
- Social aspects.(1)
- Social justice(1)
- More
- 館別
- 總圖(23)
1 / 3頁
1 / 3頁