資料來源: iRead

泰雅族 :彩虹橋的審判 = The rainbow's judgment : stories of the Atayal Tribre

誰說有文字的民族才留得住故事,原住民用情感、用口傳、用舞蹈,用生命寫台灣歷史!推開泰雅族神話與傳說秘境大門,將發現:   「巨石傳說」故事:泰雅族的祖先從石縫中誕生,他們互愛互敬,慢慢學會自然環境下的生活方式,並且從觀察動物中,了解繁衍下一代的意義與方法。 The Legend of the Giant StoneOne day long ago, touched by the first light of the morning sun, a giant stone cliff atop a mountain split apart with a deafening sound.. The ancestors of the Atayal Tribe emerged from the stone cliff. The Atayal learned from there natural evironment everything they needed to know in order to flourish for generations.「神奇的呼喚術」故事:以前泰雅族人生活上所需的食物,只要呼喚就有,不必辛苦的工作。但是,人類的貪念辜負了大自然的賜與,現在都要用勞力才能換取溫飽。 The Magical SummonsWhen our hearts and minds become tainted with possessiveness, greed and desire, we forget the original love that emanates from a balanced relationship with nature. The Atayal of today plant and hunt, carry their water and chop their wood, enduring great hardship simply to have enough to feed and clothe themselves. Life was not always so hard. But the time when nature’s bounty provided unlimited means is but a distant memory of past generations.「彩虹橋的審判」故事:每個泰雅族人死後的靈魂,都要通過往靈界的彩虹橋接受審判。勇敢、正直、遵守「嘎嘎」的人,便可以在祖靈歡迎下順利走過去。 The Rainbows’s JudgmentWithout exception, when a member of the Atayal tribe dies, his or her soul must pass over a rainbow bridge to the spirit world. This passage is the person’s “judgment”. Success in making the passage is only for those persons who lived their lives with courage and virtue, it is only for those who have acted appropriately and in accordance with the gaga(the customs and principles of the tribe).透過傳神生動的故事,搭配精緻彩繪的圖畫,讓你親近泰雅族、更認識台灣!
來源: iRead
總策劃:孫大川(東華大學原住民民族學院民族發展所所長、原住民委員會前副主委;卑南族)故事採集:里慕伊‧阿紀(泰雅族母語教師、泰雅族專業作家;泰雅族) 繪圖:瑁瑁‧馬邵(泰雅族藝術家、賽德克行動藝術館負責人;泰雅族)英文譯者:文魯彬(博仲法律事務所合夥律師、輔仁大學翻譯研究所副教授;美國人)
來源: iRead